Capitale Cultura Group was commissioned by the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan to support at an international scale the fundraising activities for the projects envisaged by the Museum in 2019, on the occasion of the celebrations for the fifth centenary since the death of Leonardo da Vinci. Capitale Cultura...
Inaugurata a Crotone la mostra “Annibale. La fine di un viaggio”
Al Museo Nazionale di Capo Colonna di Crotone, inaugurata la Mostra “Annibale. La fine di un viaggio“. Un progetto realizzato da Capitale Cultura Group, in collaborazione con il Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Magna Grecia di Crotone e Drypto-Ingenium Logic, con la direzione scientifica di Filli Rossi. La mostra racconta la straordinaria avventura di Annibale in Italia,...
“The last night”, the short movie based on the Chamber of St. Paul in Parma presented in Rome
“The Last Night”, the short film written and directed by Irish Braschi and set in the Chamber of Saint Paul in Parma, has been presented in Rome, today, Thursday 16 November, at the Dioscuri Theatre at the Quirinale, managed by Istituto Luce-Cinecittà. The project is supported and promoted by the Association “Parma, io ci sto!”,...
Positive balance for the season of the Swiss Customs Museum in Gandria
The season at the Museum of the Swiss Customs of Gandria closes with a very positive balance: more than 8,000 visitors from April to October, with an average of over 40 daily visits. An audience coming for the 60% from German Switzerland has appreciated the evocative spaces of the Museum, the new hospitality services and...
Il viaggio di Annibale approda a Crotone. In mostra da dicembre al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Capo Colonna
Il Museo Archeologico di Capo Colonna, a Crotone, ospiterà dal prossimo dicembre a marzo 2018 la mostra “Annibale. Un viaggio”, realizzata con successo a Barletta dall’agosto del 2016 fino al febbraio di quest’anno nei sotterranei del Castello con un grande successo di pubblico e di critica. La decisione di dare continuità al progetto espositivo in...
“The Last Night” of Correggio at the San Paolo’s Chamber. A Capitale Cultura Group’s production
La Camera di San Paolo torna protagonista, questa volta in un cortometraggio d’autore. Un innovativo progetto di promozione culturale e turistica, ottenuto grazie all’impegno concreto di “Parma, io ci sto!” che ha sostenuto e promosso la realizzazione de “L’ultima notte”, il cortometraggio scritto e diretto dal regista Irish Braschi e prodotto da Capitale Cultura Group....
ltura Group as Development Partner of Fondazione
Capitale Cultura is the Development Partner of the Foundation, founded in 2013 on the initiative of the Pordenone Chamber of Commerce, with the mission of contributing to the promotion of the city as a cultural destination through the organization of Pordenonelegge. Coming to the 17th edition, Pordenonelegge is one of the leading literary events...
Capitale Cultura Group as Business Development partner of Bergamo’s Carrara Academy
From March 2017 Capitale Cultura Group supports as Development Partner the historical Accademia Carrara in Bergamo and the Foundation that develops and manages the museum activities, with a prioritari focus on partnerships development and fundraising. The Bergamo institution, the second art gallery in Lombardy after the Brera Gallery and one of the most important collections...
Capitale Cultura International launches the new business unit Cultural Services. The first Project iscthe Museum of Swiss Customs
Experimenting with innovative management and museum development model and supporting Swiss cultural institutions in the pursuit of economic and operational efficiency: this is the mission of the new business unit Cultural Services, born inside Capitale Cultura International, coordinated by the President Antonio Scuderi and the Director Marco Costantini. The first project, in collaboration with the...
ARtGlass and the Water Voyages of the Carrara Academy
A path in Augmented Reality through the different waters represented in the Bergamo’s Carrara Academy masterpieces. A game of discoveries and emotions, where art and technology challenge each other and give each other up. It is the last ARtGlassExperience, presented today in the Bergamo’s magnificent art gallery, curated by Emanuela Daffra and Daria Tonzig, with...
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