Carro – The Village of Paganini

The project involves planning targeted actions for the relaunch of the Borgo di Carro (SP), the birthplace of the maestro Niccolò Paganini. The activities include the management of a communication and territorial promotion plan, alongside media relations and press office initiatives aimed at enhancing the identity and history of the village.

GAL Primitivo Territories

For GAL Terre del Primitivo in Manduria, Taranto, we designed an integrated and technological system for the enjoyment of cultural, tourism, and enogastronomic heritage. Specifically, we created eleven cultural and enogastronomic routes across the region in Augmented Reality. In addition to this, we developed an integrated digital ecosystem that connects the territorial stakeholders, enhancing collaboration...

GAL Terreverdi Teramane

For GAL Terreverdi Teramane in Mosciano Sant’Angelo, Teramo, we developed a project aimed at creating a new tourist destination called “Terramàne.” Our role included the creation of the entire visual identity: logo and variations, tagline, promotional videos, a photo shoot, website, and social media presence. We also devised a strategic communication plan, designed and produced...

Mura Aperte, Ferrara Municipality

For the “Mura Aperte” project of the Municipality of Ferrara, we set up an interactive infopoint at Porta Paola and created an Augmented Reality path to enhance the ancient city walls. We enriched this path with educational games that allow visitors to discover interesting facts about the city’s history. Additionally, we organized a Press Tour...

Municipality of Lonato del Garda

For the Municipality of Lonato del Garda, in the province of Brescia, we developed a strategic consultancy plan for the presentation of the “OgniGiorno inLombardia” call. Along with the consultancy plan, we supported territorial promotion and enhancement through multichannel communication. We also produced communication materials and organized an Eductour with journalists, bloggers, and influencers.

Municipality of Ravenna

For the Municipality of Ravenna, we created content for the new digital tourism platform and its connected blog. Specifically, we managed and developed a social media marketing plan and created digital and multimedia content to promote the Dante celebrations. Photo credit: Francesca Ussani (WMIT), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dolomites Maadness

For the Dolomites Madness project, we provided support for the strategic marketing plan of the Medio Alto Agordino region, developed the integrated communication plan, and managed press office services. Additionally, we offered strategic consultancy for local development planning, organized the “Recharge in Nature” activity, and developed a crisis management plan to address the damages caused...

Colle Santa Lucia Municipality

In the Municipality of Colle Santa Lucia, located in the Belluno Dolomites, we developed an augmented reality experience to enhance the Fursil Mines. We designed a promotional plan for the territory of the Mines, which included the creation of a marketing strategy. Additionally, we produced digital content to further valorize the area.

Project “SCOPRI” Grotta dell’Orso

For the “SCOPRI” project, we followed a valorization initiative of the Mendrisiotto region and the Monte Generoso area by developing Augmented Reality and a tourist app at the Grotta dell’Orso. For this work, we also handled design, communication, and marketing activities. We were supported by several project partners, such as SUPSI, Mendrisiotto Turismo/Ticino Turismo, the...

È stato inaugurato il progetto Mura Aperte del Comune di Ferrara

Al via il progetto “Mura Aperte” del Comune di Ferrara, finanziato da fondi POR FESR – FSC, e che ha come madrina d’eccezione Alessia Maurelli, capitana della squadra nazionale di ginnastica ritmica, nota come “Le Farfalle”: mappa interattiva, video immersivi, podcast multilingua e un innovativo percorso in Realtà Aumentata. Il Progetto “Mura Aperte” del Comune...

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PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

Sviluppo e Innovazione
per la Cultura
e le Eccellenze

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