Terra&Cuore ice cream: gourmet and innovation

HomeTerra&Cuore ice cream: gourmet and innovation
21 May 2020

The idea of ​​Terra&Cuore ice cream was born from the union between nature, represented by the Fattorie Cuore D’Elba, an organic farm located in an uncontaminated nature, and scientific research, represented by the collaboration with the University of Food Sciences of Parma, which made it possible to develop a unique ice cream formula in the world.

Fattorie are a reality immersed in nature, born to find contact with the land and put into practice both ancient and innovative farming practices: the goal has always been to be able to offer the user a product healthy, tasty, genuine and natural. From this experimentation, therefore, an agricultural ice cream parlor was born where we began, step by step, to experiment with the recipe for a different ice cream, rich in taste, respectful of nature and raw materials and healthy.

Terra&Cuore’s ice cream is therefore a “good by nature” ice cream as its claim states, not only because it comes from a profound ability, but also because it is made only with excellent quality raw materials: organic goat milk, herbs from which they are extracted essential oils and fresh seasonal fruit 100% natural; instead, cream, butter, oils, preservatives, thickeners and synthetic flavors are abolished.

In addition, its innovative formula makes it, in all respects, the healthiest and lightest ice cream in the world, with over 80% less fat than others ice cream on the market: a revolution in the concept of ice cream that transforms the product into something capable of giving pleasure and well-being, but contributing to the health and natural rebalancing of consumers.

Currently, the production of ice cream takes place in the Verona laboratory, from where, also thanks to the support of Capitale Cultura which supports the company in developing audiences and managing the press office, the small company is managed, which, precisely in this period of great difficulty, he decided to launch his shop, activating the takeaway and home delivery services for the area of ​​the Municipality of Verona.

A first step which will be followed shortly by many innovations: starting from June the first collaborations with the world of Horeca will come to life for the creation of new formats, collections of gourmet ice creams and high quality sorbets by the glass, through the involvement of important companies in the sector and established chefs. The first collaboration will involve Giulia Cerboneschi, nominated by the Gambero Rosso Guide “Best emerging pastry chef 2016” and “News of the year 2019” with her Creazioni Caffè in Manerba del Garda. Furthermore, the precious collaboration with Dr. Nicola Bottari, a Veronese dietician, who will take care of the online section dedicated to the nutritional benefits of this ice cream, seals the Gelato formula which is good by nature, especially in terms of well-being and digestibility.

Terra & Cuore is therefore configured as a startup in full evolution, with the aim of opening other stores in the area and continuing to implement research and tradition to offer the public a product without compromise.

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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

Sviluppo e Innovazione
per la Cultura
e le Eccellenze

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