ARtGlass and the Water Voyages of the Carrara Academy

HomeWorksArt and cultureARtGlass and the Water Voyages of the Carrara Academy
5 April 2017

A path in Augmented Reality through the different waters represented in the Bergamo’s Carrara Academy masterpieces. A game of discoveries and emotions, where art and technology challenge each other and give each other up. It is the last ARtGlassExperience, presented today in the Bergamo’s  magnificent art gallery, curated by Emanuela Daffra and Daria Tonzig, with the support of Uniacque. A journey in 15 stages that represents one of the most sophisticated and complex challenges for the company, part of Culture Capital Group and international leader (according to a recent survey by Superventures) in the field of wearable Augmented Reality for culture and tourism. “The project made with Carrara Academy is a real novelty in the panorama of Augmented Reality – says Antonio Scuderi, CEO of ARtGlass and Capitale Culture Group – because it puts all the potential of this new language and technology to increase the masterworks understanding . Our goal is that users forget the technology, once the glasses are worn, to enter the paintings, discover the details that are less visible, grasp surprising connections between the works. By increasing images and also knowledge and visitors’ emotions”.

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