Capitale Cultura is development partner of AMIEX, the first “International Exhibitions Stock Exchange”

HomeWorksArt and cultureCapitale Cultura is development partner of AMIEX, the first “International Exhibitions Stock Exchange”
21 March 2014

Capitale Cultura is development partner of AMIEX, the first “International Exhibitions Stock Exchange”, promoted by Confindustria’s Industry and Culture Foundation, under the patronage of Turin Municipality. AMIEX | Art & Museum International Exhibition Xchange, March 11/12 2014, Turin, Centro Congressi Lingotto, is an event promoted by Confindustria’s Industry and Culture Foundation, established by Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici, Confcultura and Federturismo, organized by GL Events Italia/Lingotto Fiere and with the institutional partnership of the City of Turin.

First and unique date in Europe devoted to the development, the co-production and the exchange of exhibitions and relevant services, AMIEX is a B2B platform, a business matching space, to improve, thanks to an online agenda, the matching of exhibitions producers, museums, galleries, foundations, as well as enterprises that work beside the core business, in IT innovation and tourism, that are interested in proposing, producing, co-projecting, sell, buy, exchange exhibitions projects all around the world.

Follow the event on:
TW: @ArtMuseumExch
for further informations: +39 011 50 59 00

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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

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per la Cultura
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