Capitale Cultura partnering with Lugano’s Museo delle Culture

HomeWorksArt and cultureCapitale Cultura partnering with Lugano’s Museo delle Culture
7 January 2014

Capitale Cultura International supports the Museo delle Culture of Lugano, in the elaboration and execution of an innovative marketing and development plan. Museo delle Cultura of Lugano is one of the most prestigious ethnographic museums in Europe, with 65 exhibitions produced in 8 years. It holds a collection of 7.689 operas pieces, mostly donated to the Museum from 2006 till today.
The marketing plan focuses as well on the economic impact of the cultural institution in its environment, creating synergies with local and international operators.
The MCL was officially opened in September 1989 and was released again in the middle of 2005, thanks to a modern “System of Activities” that considers the museum as a mixed organisation (institution/enterprise) and which plans quality checks and compliances (ISO 9001:2008). Such an innovative model (that other museums in Italy and Switzerland are following) and its international vocation make MCL a strategic element of the multicultural politic of the City of Lugano. The permanent exhibition of the Museum has been completely rearranged in 2009.

Si rende noto che la società ha beneficiato di aiuti di Stato/aiuti contenuti nel "Registro nazionale de minimis degli aiuti
di Stato" di cui all'art. 52 L. 24/12/2012, n. 234, registrati nel predetto sistema, con conseguente pubblicazione nella sezione trasparenza ivi prevista, ad opera dei soggetti che concedono o gestiscono gli aiuti medesimi ai sensi della relativa disciplina.
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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

Sviluppo e Innovazione
per la Cultura
e le Eccellenze

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