A Success story. The press campaign of the Lugano’s Museum of Cultures

HomeWorksArt and cultureA Success story. The press campaign of the Lugano’s Museum of Cultures
25 December 2014
A Success story. The press campaign of the Lugano’s  Museum of Cultures

It was a success case the press campaign of «Gentō-ban», the exhibition on the Japanese photography by the Yokohama school, between the 19th and the 20th centuries, based on the remakable Perino Collection and shown at the Museum of Cultures of the City of Lugano, until Jananuary the 25th.  The project had visibility on “Sette”, the weekly magazine of “Il Corriere della Sera”, “Il Fotografo” (with a 3 pages reportage) and achieved a relevant position on the home pages of some of the most relevant online media, such as nationalgeographic.it, huffingtonpost.it, repubblica.it, panorama.it, internazionale.it, espresso.it.
Further than those achievements, there were several issues on the most important Swiss media. The exposure of the Museum has generally increased in 2014, compared to the previous year, proving that, in cultural comunication, contents, either visual and textual and a flexible strategy, are key factors to make the difference. These guidelines have been fully adopted by MCL, which is supported by the Swiss company Capitale Cultura International (part of Capitale Cultura Group), as far as marketing and communication are concerned.

On the Web:
All’Heleneum – Gentô-ban. Il Giappone dell’Ottocento nelle diapositive della Collezione Perino
(July 18- January 25).
Great visibility in the last months also for the other exhibitions held at MCL:
All’Heleneum – Dhukarr. Arte aborigena contemporanea. La Collezione Knoblauch
(July 6-Janyuary)
All’Heleneum – Jingju. Il teatro cinese nella Collezione Pilone
(October 9 Ottobre-May 10)
A Parigi – L’art de l’amour au temps des geishas. Les chefs-d’oeuvre interdits de l’art japonais
(November 5-February 15)

Museum of Cultures  mcl.lugano.ch

Si rende noto che la società ha beneficiato di aiuti di Stato/aiuti contenuti nel "Registro nazionale de minimis degli aiuti
di Stato" di cui all'art. 52 L. 24/12/2012, n. 234, registrati nel predetto sistema, con conseguente pubblicazione nella sezione trasparenza ivi prevista, ad opera dei soggetti che concedono o gestiscono gli aiuti medesimi ai sensi della relativa disciplina.
Le risultanze e gli aggiornamenti di tale Registro sono rinvenibili al link https://www.rna.gov.it/sites/PortaleRNA/it_IT/trasparenza

Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

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