Capitale Cultura Group at Lubec

HomeWorksNew technologiesCapitale Cultura Group at Lubec
2 October 2014

LUCCA – Capitale Cultura Group and ArtGlass attended, last 9 and 10 October 2014, the 10th edition of LuBeC Lucca Beni Culturali. LuBec is an international meeting, promoted by Promo PA Fondazione and dedicated to the presentation and development of the industries of cultural heritage-technologies-tourism.
Moreover, LuBec with LuBec Digital Techonolgy (an exposition dedicated to technology innovation applied to the cultural heritage and territorial marketing) was also an important stage for businesses and authorities of the industry to present their valorisation projects and to meet new potential partners.With a contribution titled “San Gimignano – The fourth museum’s dimension”, Antonio Scuderi (CEO of Capitale Cultura Group and ArtGlass) presented the fist project of “augmented museum” realised in San Gimignano. The project is promoted by Comune di San Gimignano, Fondazione Musei Senesi, Opera Laboratori Fiorentini/Gruppo Civita and in collaboration with ArtGlass and Capitale Cultura. This is a unique preview that allows to deliver an experience of “augmented reality” inside the itinerary of  “Palazzo Comunale, Pinacoteca, Torre Grossa” with a “wearable” technology: the Art Glass. The devices are rent to the public after the conclusion of a positive experimental stage.
Using the Art Glass as normal glasses, it is possible to discover the art works through a characteristic mix of video-storytelling and three-dimensional animations applied to three wonderful frescos. It is an unexpected virtual journey through the medieval time where frescos animate showing unknown particulars, recreations and all accompanied with a two exclusive narrative tour guides visible only to those who will wear them.

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