New eyes to discover Caravaggio with ARtGlass. Soon at Cremona City Museum

HomeWorksNew technologiesNew eyes to discover Caravaggio with ARtGlass. Soon at Cremona City Museum
26 September 2016

Caravaggio’s Saint Francis in Meditation comes back to the City Museum “Ala Ponzone” after the restoration and lets itself be discovered with new eyes. The collaboration between the Town Hall of Cremona (Direction Culture, Museums and City Branding) and ARt Glass will offer visitors a new, engaging way of re-discovering the masterpiece, ambassador of Cremona at several national and international exhibitions (among the latest: Caravaggio and the Painters of the North at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid).

On Friday 30 September, 12 AM, in the room dedicated to Caravaggio, the Mayor of Cremona Gianluca Galimberti and Antonio Scuderi, CEO of ARt Glass/Capitale Cultura Group will present the new augmented reality experience that will allow visitors to appreciate the details of the work that have re-emerged thanks to the restoration, and will remain stably available to the audience.

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