The Brescia Castle among the stops of Brixia Time Machine

HomeWorksNew technologiesThe Brescia Castle among the stops of Brixia Time Machine
23 August 2022

Cultural enhancement through the multimedia language of augmented reality has seen the Brescia Museums Foundation collaborate with ARtGlass/Capitale Cultura Group since 2015.

Brixia Time Machine, the project resulting from this collaboration, made the Brescia Museums the first museum system in Italy to use this technology in the cultural field.

Over the years, the research for enhancing and innovating the Brescia museum sites has not stopped, and thanks to winning the InnovaMusei call – Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia, and Fondazione Cariplo – with the project “Accessible tourism and enhancement paths through new augmented reality – The Brescia Castle and the archaeological system of Brescia Museums,” a new chapter is now available within the ARt-Glass® Experience proposals, titled “The Castle, Arms, and Knights,” available at the Arms Museum “Luigi Marzoli” within the Brescia Castle.

In this new narrative path, the visitor is guided by an exceptional tour guide, Giovanni Visconti, Archbishop of Milan, who, alongside his brother Luchino, became the lord of Brescia in the 14th century.

Following the collection of weapons and armor, the technology of the Epson Moverio BT-350 smart glasses integrated with ARtGlass’ patented platform highlights the traces left over the centuries by the Visconti and Venetian dominations on the wall frescoes decorating the rooms of the Mastio and brings back to view the architectural remains of the Church of Santo Stefano in Arce and the original appearance of the Roman temple on which the Brescia Castle stands.

Thus, there are now four augmented reality visitor paths available: Brixia. Archaeological Park of Roman Brescia, The Domus of Ortaglia and The Basilica of San Salvatore at the Santa Giulia Museum, and finally, The Castle, Arms, and Knights at the Brescia Castle.

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