The great authors of Italian opera relive through augmented reality, in Ragusa

HomeWorksNew technologiesThe great authors of Italian opera relive through augmented reality, in Ragusa
23 November 2017

On November 19, the exhibition “La calunnia è un venticello” was inaugurated at the Donnafugata Theater in Ragusa Ibla, a small baroque jewel in the splendid setting of the Donnafugata Palace. The exhibition relives the works and above all the loves that inspired three great Italian composers: Gioachino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini and Giuseppe Verdi.

Visitors have the opportunity, thanks to ARtGlass, to have almost a “physical contact” with the 3 protagonists, and to relive thanks to Augmented Reality moments, places and moods that led to the creation of great masterpieces. Rossini will materialize in front of the visitor, talking about his love for Isabella Colbran, and the stories related to the staging of the Barber of Seville.

stolzThe objects exhibited in the room dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi will allow the visitor to relive his love story with soprano Teresa Stolz, his lover, and the torments of his wife Giuseppina Strepponi.

spartito mostra ragusa

The highlight of the exhibition is an unpublished, original page of Bellini’s sheet of opera “Montecchi e Capuleti”, which will be admired for the first time. Thanks to ARtGlass, the score will “take life” around the spectator, which will be surrounded by musical notes that will appear in music time, allowing even non-experts to understand and follow the track.

The exhibition will be open until December 28, with free admission.


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