Project details

The designers decide on committing to finding


Elvin Thomas




3 months



Yellow Film is one of the top 20 world video productions and has an impressive portfolio of high-quality work, from music videos to feature films.

Yellow Film collaborated with Apple, Absolut, Audi, Coldplay, Hurts, Diesel. He also won bronze at Cannes Lions, received repeated recognition at the New York Film Festival, the Asia-Pacific AdFest, Epica Awards and other world festivals.


The main task is to create a website in which the design will work on video and not distract attention from the frames. All focus should be shifted to the content of the client itself. Thus, the work of Yellow Film should become the cornerstone of the concept of the entire website.

Emphasize the general concept with the help of crossing effects, minimalistic fonts that are not distracting, but rather help the user to concentrate his attention.


The main technical difficulty was to determine how to place an impressive amount of video content, and at the same time create a smooth user interface, ensuring high site loading speed. To do this, we created an optimized video processing script, thanks to which the site does not “lie down” under the wei ght of the content, background videos do not interfere with the smooth operation of the interface, and the transition from clip to clip occurs without delay.

In the section "Works" we added filters: by production, director, agency. This helps to quickly find the right video. The site has a large and intuitive menu containing all the content. Conveniently formed categories help the user find the desired page.

Our portfolio

More than 500+ work in our portfolio

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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

Sviluppo e Innovazione
per la Cultura
e le Eccellenze

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