Capitale Cultura International launches the new business unit Cultural Services. The first Project iscthe Museum of Swiss Customs

HomeWorksArt and cultureCapitale Cultura International launches the new business unit Cultural Services. The first Project iscthe Museum of Swiss Customs
6 April 2017

Experimenting with innovative management and museum development model and supporting Swiss cultural institutions in the pursuit of economic and operational efficiency: this is the mission of the new business unit Cultural Services, born inside Capitale Cultura International, coordinated by the President Antonio Scuderi and the Director Marco Costantini. The first project, in collaboration with the Museum of Cultures of Lugano and the Central Administration of Customs, concerns the services of the Swiss Customs Museum in Gandria (Lugano), whose new layout, enriched by a photo exhibition organized by the Museum of Cultures, a new bookshop and a dedicated line of merchandise, was presented today to the press. “We are very to experience this new model – says Antonio Scuderi, president of Capitale Cultura International and CEO of Capitale Cultura Group – as its is an innovation in the Swiss panorama. We believe that public players should be challenged from cultural institutions, to promote innovative solutions and experiences, looking for a high quality museum offer”. On the web

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