ARtGlass in San Gimignano: the museum of the future takes place from wearable technologies and immersive 3D storytelling.

HomeWorksNew technologiesARtGlass in San Gimignano: the museum of the future takes place from wearable technologies and immersive 3D storytelling.
24 May 2014

Here is the fourth dimension of the museum: ARtGlass, a new part of Capitale Cultura Group.
A museums as a 3D movie? No, it’s much more. It comes ARtGlass, a new and unique service based on smart glasses technology, allowing visitors to enjoy an exclusive and immersive experience through amazing masterpieces from Italian Middle Age, by merging real and virtual. The experimental project starts in world premiere from San Gimignano (Siena) in one of the most fascinating museums of Tuscany, a real craddle of the most renowned Italian painting.
Thanks to a unique mix of video storytelling and tridimensional animations, applied to three cycles of frescoes, held in the Museo Civico of San Gimignano, you can take a virtual tour in the Middle Ages by browsing through stories and characters painted by Lippo Memmi in “Thje Majesty”, Azzo di Masetto in the “Chevaliers Cycle” and Memmo di Filippuccio, in a famous sequence dedicated to love’s tricks, into the Room of Podestà.
By wearing the ARtGlass as normal glasses, frescos are turning into a 3D show, unveiling new details and colors (sometimes reconstructed with digital technologies) and visitors are led through a “time machine”, in which fun and respect for philological contents generate an unparalleled experience.
The project ARTGLASS in San Gimignano has been promoted by the City of San Gimignano, in joint with the Foundation Musei Senesi and Opera Laboratori Fiorentini, part of Civita Group. Contents have been powered by experts from the Foundation in tight cooperation with software developers and art directors from Art Glass, part of Capitale Cultura Group.

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On the Web
Fondazione Musei Senesi
Pinacoteca di San Gimignano

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