Mura Aperte: we won the tender for the enhancement of the Ferrara city walls!

HomeNewsMura Aperte: we won the tender for the enhancement of the Ferrara city walls!
31 July 2022

The Municipality of Ferrara has nominated the “Mura Aperte” Project as part of the POR FESR 2014-2020 Programming of the Emilia Romagna Region. The project was approved and funded to create products and tools aimed at increasing the knowledge, enhancement, and promotion of the section of the city walls in Ferrara between the Baluardo dell’Amore and Porta Paola. This program follows another action undertaken by the Municipality within the POR FESR 2014-2020 framework, called “La Grande Cornice Verde,” which allowed for the recovery of certain spaces within the section covered by the subsequent call, to enhance its urban identity.

In recent months, our team applied for the project and, by drafting a technical proposal in line with the client’s requests, participated in the call. The outcome of this application has recently been announced: we have been selected as the professional team responsible for creating an experience to improve the enjoyment of the city walls from Porta Paola to the Baluardo dell’Amore, enhancing the strengths of Ferrara’s city walls and organizing promotional activities for them.

The Project

The city walls are a highly visited but little-known heritage: the goal of our intervention will focus on a greater historical and architectural dissemination of the walls, to turn them into a true monument capable of adding value to the historic center. The planned actions will be long-lasting, accessible – where possible – in multiple languages, and will have a distinctly Smart approach. They will involve communication actions, the creation of a podcast, the development of an immersive technology experience in collaboration with ARt-Glass, and the creation of a visitor center inside Porta Paola.

The Site Visit

Last Wednesday, we visited the city of Ferrara for a site inspection: we toured the city walls, the historic center, and Porta Paola. Experiencing the atmosphere of Ferrara sparked many ideas in our minds, and once we returned to our headquarters in Verona, an intense brainstorming session began. There’s a lot of buzz in the office, and between Gantt charts, calls, and in-person meetings, we are fine-tuning all the ideas.

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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

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