The love for culture, in all its forms, which has always characterized the existence of senator Ugo da Como, was the cornerstone of yesterday’s evening which united, inside the wonderful multifunctional pavilion of the Rocca, the Club members and the representatives of the business excellence of the area.
As part of the relaunch project of the Ugo da Como Foundation, in the magnificent setting of the fortress, a pleasant evening of culture was dedicated to the representatives of the companies that decided to support the Foundation and its projects, with the participation of the brilliant Echos Quartet, which delighted guests with the arias of Mozart and Dvoràk.
Ubi Banca, Ambassador of the Club della Rocca and leader of the numerous local companies that daily support the Foundation, underlined the importance of supporting cultural activities, not only for the virtue of the visibility, but, also and above, for the recognition and social prestige that derive from it and for the possibility of being an integral part of the creative process and of the realization of the projects.
The splendid harmonies of the quartet sanctioned the value of an evening which, thanks to the help of Capitale Cultura, allowed the Foundation to carry out important projects, starting with the imposing restoration of part of the Casa del Capitano, flagship of the spaces enhanced by the Foundation.