New ARtGlasses in San Gimignano Civic Museums

HomeWorksNew technologiesNew ARtGlasses in San Gimignano Civic Museums
25 January 2018

A project realized by ARtGlass and Capitale Cultura with the Municipality of San Gimignano, Fondazione Musei Senesi, Opera Laboratori Fiorentini, Vernice Progetti Culturali.

SAINT GIMIGNANO. Almost four years after the first international experimentation, started in San Gimignano, thanks to ARtGlass the world of museums is even more beautiful. Thanks to wearable devices in Augmented Reality, now there is a renewed and updated way to discover the Civic Museums of San Gimignano: the Town Hall, the Picture Gallery, and Torre Grossa.

The new release, proposed by ARtGlass / Capitale Cultura Group, thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of San Gimignano and Opera Laboratori Fiorentini and the contents proposed by the Fondazione Musei Senesi and Vernice Progetti Culturali – adds new contents to the visitors’ experience with a peculiar mix of video-storytelling and three-dimensional animations, enriched by musical backgrounds and recited passages. Now it is possible, in fact, to follow the fascinating adventures of the saint patron of the town through the polyptych of Taddeo di Bartolo and admire all the points of interest of the town and its surroundings from the top of Torre Grossa, where augmented reality allows the reading of monuments, of the landscape and traditions.


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