Positive balance for the season of the Swiss Customs Museum in Gandria

HomeWorksArt and culturePositive balance for the season of the Swiss Customs Museum in Gandria
3 November 2017

The season at the Museum of the Swiss Customs of Gandria closes with a very positive balance: more than 8,000 visitors from April to October, with an average of over 40 daily visits. An audience coming for the 60% from German Switzerland has appreciated the evocative spaces of the Museum, the new hospitality services and the bookshop: a project of cultural enhancement realized by the Cultural Services business unit of Capitale Cultura International in collaboration with the Museum of Cultures of Lugano and the Central Customs Administration, which allowed for the consolidation of the thematic vocation of the museum and the development of efficient management practices, helping to place the museum as a reference point for tourism and cultural in the Lugano territory.



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Azienda finanziata 
PO FESR 2014-2020 Regione Sicilia 
Azione 1.1.5

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